Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week 2022

Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week Results
Posted on 01/21/2023
List of items collected

Our students learned about homelessness and hunger with our school counselor, Mrs. Lemons.  Then students donated items to help those in need.  Mrs. Cash, our school social worker, collected all of the items and donated them.

We are very thankful to our students and staff who donated items for this worthy cause.  We appreciate your kindness. 


Grover - Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2022


Socks —-------  19 pairs boys/girls

Gloves —------  21 pairs

Toiletry Items —- 214 items (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant)

Baby Wipes/Diapers —-21 packs

Food Items —-- 237 (boxed food, canned goods, snack foods)

Underwear girls/boys —------  15 packs


Total items—--527

Some of the Grover items collected will go to KM Crisis Ministry and some will go to our Grover Clothing Room.